Current TOP excursion (on foot).
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Nataša is a mountaineer and passionate hiker who has already visited 60 countries. She doesn't like routine, loves challenges and novelties. She is happiest when in touch with nature. She is a mountaineering guide with a PZS license and a licensed local tourist guide for the destination Green Karst. She has cycled the Spanish, Italian and Hungarian Camino. She has hiked the entire Slovenian mountain trail from Maribor to Debeli Rtič, experienced an earthquake while trekking in the Himalayas, and climbed a 6,000-meter peak in India. As a volunteer, she is a member of the supervisory board of the Mountaineering Association of Slovenia and the supervisory board of the Mountaineering Society Postojna, a guide of the Mountaineering and Cycling section of PD Postojna, and a regular blood donor. She is an economist specializing in business logistics. She is characterized by punctuality, precision, and excellent organizational skills. She enjoys being in company. You can win her over with a "large draft beer," but only after the tour. Nataša also creates from natural materials such as wood and clay.
I am Miško the cat. They found me in early November in the forest on the Sovič biking trail. I was about 4 months old. I don't know who left me there, but I was all alone. Two big humans came by, doing something, supposedly fixing signs on the biking trail. I ran a whole kilometer after them and meowed. We even took a selfie. By the way, it wasn't the last one. It started to get dark, and these two put me in their car and took me to their home, where they fed me, and on the first night, I was able to snuggle up between them. They apparently posted my photos and an offer on their FB profile, in case anyone wanted me. But they didn't give me away, nobody was good enough. And that's how I became part of the Bike Slovenia team. I've already met a bike, and in the spring, I'm going on my first tour. Until then, I'll just be cuddled and cuddled. Meow.